Video by Subaru-Asahi Star Camera via YouTube, 2024-02-09 UT (C) NAOJ & Asahi Shimbun
(BIVN) – A fiery object seen hurling over the Hawaiian sky has been captured on video, and scientists say it was a Chinese satellite burning on re-entry.
Subaru-Asahi Star Camera, installed at the catwalk of Subaru Telescope atop Maunakea, recorded the satellite re-entry on February 9, 2024, and posted the video on YouTube.
“Our Live camera viewers pointed out that it is “OBJECT K”, a Chinese satellite (ID 48257),” the Subaru channel noted. has more information on that satellite re-entry.
“Subaru-Asahi Star Camera” is a collaborative project by Asahi-Shimbun and Subaru Telescope, NAOJ. The YouTube channels can be found at 管理人_SubaruTel_StarCamAdmin, and Asahi Astro LIVE.
by Big Island Video News8:42 am
on at
MAUNAKEA, Hawaiʻi - Scientists believe the comet-like object captured by the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera was a Chinese satellite re-entering the atmosphere.