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(BIVN) – The Hawaiʻi County Cultural Resources Commission on Wednesday reviewed the potential impacts on cultural, archaeological, or historic resources within the Hoʻomalu Workforce Housing Project in Waikoloa.
The Waikoloa Land Company, which manages development and operations at Waikoloa Beach Resort, plans to build the 228-unit residential complex next to the Queen’s Marketplace and just mauka of Anaehoʻomalu Bay. The project will be comprised of 12 separate buildings, a community center, parking areas, roads and landscaping. documents show.

Map shows the location of the Hoʻomalu Workforce Housing Project, from the Archeological Inventory Survey.
An Archeological Inventory Survey done by Haun & Associates at the request of the Waikoloa Land Company revealed that the majority of the 10,435 features documented in the project area are associated with abrader manufacturing, or the procurement of raw materials for abrader manufacture.
The Cultural Resources Commission voted to form a permitted interaction group to further investigate the parcel, including going on a future site visit.
by Big Island Video News10:27 pm
on at
WAIKOLOA, Hawaiʻi - An Archeological Inventory Survey for the Hoʻomalu Workforce Housing Project was presented to Hawaiʻi County Cultural Resources Commission on Wednesday.