This graphic features the average number of new cases reported by the State of Hawaiʻi over a 14-day period, as well as the test positivity rate for the same time period. The map shows zip code areas with reported cases having onset dates in the past 14 days, according to the Hawaiʻi health department.
(BIVN) – There were 58 newly reported cases of COVID-19 in the State of Hawaiʻi on Monday. Of that number, seven (7) new cases were identified on the Big Island. Three new deaths with COVID-19 were also reported statewide.
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health says there have been 98 cases of COVID-19 reported on Hawaiʻi island in the past 14 days.
Hawaiʻi County has seen an average 0.9% test positivity rate over the last 14 days, with an average of six (6) new cases per day.
On the health department’s zip code area map showing reported COVID-19 cases with onset dates in the past 14 days, there are three (3) areas on Hawaiʻi island showing totals of over 10 cases:
- 96720 (Hilo) – 25 cases
- 96740 (Kona) – 29 cases
- 96749 (Puna) – 16 cases
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health reports there have been 558,043 cumulative doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in the State of Hawaiʻi, an increase of 10,152 from March 23, 2021.
Kona Community Hospital says it is accepting vaccine pre-registration for individuals 50+ years of age. More information at this link.
The Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense says the next community testing will be on Saturday when three district tests are scheduled. One in Hilo at the Afook-Chinen Auditorium, one in North Kona at the West Hawaii Civic Center, and one in Puna at Keaʻau High School.
“Please understand that the threat of spreading the virus has not ended,” the civil defense message stated. “We are asking you to continue following the preventive policies of face coverings, distancing, and limiting gathering sizes to no more than 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors to help reduce the spread of the virus. Mahalo for your Kokua.”
North Hawaiʻi Hospital Reaches 10,000 Vaccine Milestone
From the Queen’s North Hawai’i Community Hospital:
Queen’s North Hawai’i Community Hospital (QNHCH) provided its 10,000th COVID-19 vaccine today. Mr. Bryan Lindsey received his second Pfizer dose today and was the 10,000th patient in the QNHCH COVID vaccine clinic. “This is an important milestone for our community and in our nation’s fight again COVID-19,” said Cindy Kamikawa, QNHCH president. “We are thrilled that we have been able to provide protection against COVID-19 through the vaccine to so many in our community.”
QNHCH continues to schedule vaccinations for those age 65 and older and those age 16-64 who are at highest risk, consistent with the Hawai’i Department of Health. Highest risk is defined by the Department of Health as those age 16-64 with dialysis dependent end-stage renal disease, those on oxygen with cardiac or respiratory disease, and those with cancer or autoimmune disease undergoing chemotherapy.
QNHCH offers the Pfizer vaccine. Vaccines continue to be offered to health care workers and essential workers defined as workers whose duties must be performed on‐site and require being in close proximity (<6 feet) to the public or coworkers.
Vaccinations are by appointment only. To request an appointment, email QNHCHvaccine@queens.org and include your name, date of birth, phone number, and employer if you are an essential worker, or call 808-881-4668. Anyone who previously emailed or called while they were ineligible and are now eligible are asked to email again.
We appreciate the community’s patience as we accommodate the high volume of requests. Those not yet eligible are asked to follow the news regarding vaccination availability for other groups. More information is available from the state here.
Single-use Plastic Bags
The County of Hawaiʻi on Wednesday shared this message on the single-use plastic bag ban:
As an early response to the pandemic, on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, former Mayor Kim suspended the ban on single-use plastic checkout bags under his third Supplementary Emergency Proclamation. The suspension was effective for 60 days, i.e., until May 30, 2020.
As of June 1, 2020, the County of Hawai‘i Single-Use Plastic Checkout Bag Ban was no longer suspended and currently remains in effect.
Businesses are prohibited from providing single-use plastic checkout bags to their customers for the purpose of transporting groceries or other goods.
A copy of the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance Administrative Rules and County Code (Chapter 20) can be found on our website. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call 961-8554.
by Big Island Video News7:11 pm
on at
HAWAIʻI ISLAND - As Queen’s North Hawai’i Community Hospital reaches a vaccine milestone, Kona plans to open up pre-registration to those 50+ years of age.