BIVN graphic features the number of new cases reported by the State of Hawaiʻi on Monday, and a map showing zip code areas with reported cases having onset dates in the past 14 days according to the Hawaiʻi health department.
(BIVN) – There were 52 newly reported cases of COVID-19 in the State of Hawaiʻi on Monday. Of that, only two (2) cases were identified on the Big Island.
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health says there have been 36 cases of COVID-19 reported on Hawaiʻi island in the past 14 days.
Hawaiʻi County has seen an average 0.5% test positivity rate over the last 14 days, with an average of three new cases per day.
On the health department’s zip code area map showing reported COVID-19 cases with onset dates in the past 14 days, there is only one area showing a total of over 10 cases:
- 96740 (Kona) – 11 cases
To date, the State of Hawaiʻi says 306,432 cumulative doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered; an increase of 19,117 from February 19th.
Governor Receives Vaccination
Hawaiʻi Goernor David Ige and First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige received their first COVID-19 vaccinations at Washington Place on Monday afternoon.
The administrations says about 65 cabinet and staff members were also vaccinated. They all received the Moderna vaccine and are scheduled for their second dose in late March.
The State says Governor Ige delayed his vaccination because of the shortage of vaccines arriving in Hawai‘i. “I felt there was an urgent need to get nursing home residents, our kupuna 75 years and older, healthcare professionals, teachers and other essential workers vaccinated first,” said Gov. Ige in a news release. “I urge Hawai‘i residents to get vaccinated when it’s your turn, and to continue wearing your mask, physically distancing and washing your hands often.”
The state Department of Health and its community partners administered the vaccinations which are covered by federal CARES Act funds, the State says.
Flags Order To Half-Staff
The Governor, at the direction of the President of the United States, has ordered that the United States flag and the Hawai‘i state flag be flown at half-staff at the State Capitol and upon all state offices and agencies immediately, until sunset on Friday, Feb. 26, 2021.
“This action is being taken today, as the U.S. marks a half-million COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic began. Let us reflect on this loss and the memory of the more than 500,000 fellow Americans – including 431 in Hawai‘i — who have died of COVID-19. Our thoughts are with their families and loved ones on this day,” Gov. Ige said in a news release.
According to the White House proclamation, “more Americans have died in a single year of this pandemic than in World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War combined.”
In his Proclamation, President Joseph Biden is also asking Americans to observe a moment of silence at sunset, in honor of those who have died of COVID-19.
Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense
This message was broadcast by the Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense on Monday:
The Hawaii Department of Health reports two (2) new cases of Coronavirus with one (1) person hospitalized on Hawaii Island. There have been no deaths reported in the last eight weeks.
Hawaii County has maintained consistently low case numbers for several weeks. Please continue your efforts in following the preventive measures so that we may remain one of the safest communities in the nation. This means wearing face coverings, maintaining distance, and keeping our gatherings to no more than 10 persons for the next several months until more people are vaccinated. Mahalo for your kokua.
The Department of Health continues to coordinate vaccination points of distribution around the island to inoculate medical personnel, first responders and critical workers from the virus. Everyone will have an opportunity to be vaccinated as more vaccine becomes available. The Hilo Medical Center (HMC), North Hawaii Community Hospital (QNHCH) and the Kona Community Hospital (KCH) continue to offer vaccine registration to individuals who are 75 and older. Please visit their websites for more information and to register.
QNHCH: queens.org
KCH: kch.hhsc.org
Maintaining the safety and health of our County is a community effort, and we are thankful for your participation. Thank you for listening and have a safe Day.
by Big Island Video News6:39 pm
on at
HONOLULU, Hawaiʻi - The State is reflecting on this loss of the more than 500,000 fellow Americans - including 431 in Hawai‘i - who have died with COVID-19.