(USGS) Map as of 10:00 a.m. HST, July 24, 2018. Given the dynamic nature of Kīlauea’s lower East Rift Zone eruption, with changing vent locations, fissures starting and stopping, and varying rates of lava effusion, map details shown here are accurate as of the date/time noted. Shaded purple areas indicate lava flows erupted in 1840, 1955, 1960, and 2014-2015
(BIVN) – A Periscope livestream by Bruce Omori of Extreme Exposures aboard a Paradise Helicopter flight this morning showed Pohoiki still stands, although it continues to be threatened by lava.
UPDATE: The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory posted a Kīlauea Volcano Lower East Rift Zone status report at 9:15 a.m. HST:
Fissure 8 continues to erupt lava into the channel leading northeastward from the vent. No new overflows were reported yesterday following the summit collapse event at 6:41 HST; no overflows were reported this morning. In the last day, the lava flow in the Ahalanui area has not extended significantly westward. The flow remains less than 0.1 miles from the Pohoiki boat ramp in Isaac Hale Park. The active ocean entry is still a few hundred yards to the east of this lava flow edge.
No other fissures are active this morning, scientists say.
Hawaii County Civil Defense issued the following message on Wednesday morning:
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports earthquakes continue at Kilauea Summit and Fissure 8 continues to erupt into the lava channel flowing to the ocean entry at Ahalanui.
Yesterday’s overflight reports the southern margin of the flow is within 150 yards of the Isaac Hale / Pohoiki Boat Ramp.
State Highways requests motorists on Highway 11 between the 28 and 32 Mile Markers stay on the pavement and to be on the alert for changing roadway conditions.
The following policies remain in effect:
-Do not access the active flow field due to extreme hazard. Be aware that channel overflows and outbreaks may occur on the active flow field without warning.
-Residents are reminded to check utility connections of gas, water, and electricity after earthquakes.
Disaster assistance is available island-wide to individuals and businesses in Hawaii County that have been affected by the Kilauea eruption.
-The Disaster Recovery Center, located at the Kea`au High School Gym is open daily from 8 AM to 6 PM weekdays and 8 AM to 4 PM on Saturdays. If you need a ride, buses run between the two shelters and the Disaster Recovery Center.
-Access placards are available at the Civil Defense office located at 920 Ululani Street in Hilo.
by Big Island Video News7:40 am
on at
HAWAII ISLAND - Lava remains a hundred or so yards from the Pohoiki Boat Ramp, as Fissure 8 continues sending lava to sea.