PAHOA, Hawaii – The new Pahoa District Park was blessed by Kumu Moses Kaho’okele Crabbe during a grand opening celebration held Saturday. The new $22 million facility – located behind the existing Pahoa Community Aquatic Center – includes a large covered play court, two baseball fields, two multi-purpose fields, a playground, and ample parking.
► MORE on the Pahoa District Park

Standing in the rain, Kumu Crabbe blesses the new facilities in Pahoa, while a family plays on the baseball field behind him.

The maile lei is united just outside the new covered play courts within the Pahoa District Park.
by Big Island Video News3:18 pm
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PAHOA (BIVN) - Standing in the rain, Kumu Moses Crabbe blessed the new facilities in Pahoa, before kids and keiki untied the maile lei and rushed the new covered playcourts.