Filmed by Dave Corrigan during the Nov. 5 “Lawmakers Listen” event in Pahoa.
- Lawmakers spoke about the ongoing struggle to adequately fund the state hospital system during the Nov. 5 “Lawmakers Listen” event in Pahoa.
- The elected officials touched upon the recent news of the planned partnership between the Hawaiʻi Health Systems Corporation’s Maui Regional System and Kaiser Permanente.
- The lawmakers said similar partnership explorations are underway at HHSC’s East Hawaii facilities — including Hilo Medical Center, Ka‘u Hospital and Hale Ho‘ola Hamakua. Over the summer, administrators began informal talks with Adventist Health, operator of Castle Medical Center on Oahu. Legislation would need to be enacted in order to allow HHSC East Hawaii to enter into such a partnership.
- House Finance Chair Sylvia Luke said HHSC West Hawaii is in talks with Queens Medical Center, as well.
by Big Island Video News10:00 am
on at
PAHOA: Lawmakers spoke about the ongoing struggle to adequately fund the state hospital system during the Nov. 5 “Lawmakers Listen” event in Pahoa.