(ABOVE) A view from the summit of Mauna Kea.
DAILY VIDEO BITE | Astronomy in D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Alexis-Ann Acohido with the Gemini International Observatory joins Kaʻiu Kimura, executive director of ʻImiloa Astronomy Center, in D.C. for a presidential announcement.
MORE: Obama Announces Mauna Kea Observatory Tour (VIDEO)
8:30 a.m. | UKIRT To Come Down
UKIRT Third Telescope To Be Taken Off Mauna Kea
TOP STORY | Obama On Telescope Tour
OCT. 20 | PTA Training Through Nov.
POHAKULOA – The U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii says there will be artillery and mortar fire at the Pohakuloa Training Area through November 24. Intermittent training noise may be heard in surrounding communities, the army warns. PTA’s public affairs office assures if individuals hear noise or see smoke, there is no immediate danger. Weather, such as overcast conditions, can increase noise and vibrations.

“The military services in Hawaii appreciate the community’s understanding and continued support of local service members and families. While sometimes loud, the sounds of training represent how the military ensures the nation’s service members are ready to accomplish the mission and return home safely. “U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii
The Army says to report concerns related to noise or training, community members can call the U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaiii (USAG-HI) Noise Concern Line at (808) 656-3487 or email usaghi.comrel@gmail.com.
TODAY | October 21, 2015
- Lā 210: Two hundred and ten days since the start of the blockade on the Mauna Kea Access Road by opponents of the Thirty Meter Telescope.
The Mauna Kea Update on Big Island Video News covers the news and events from and about the piko of Hawaii Island: Mauna Kea and Pohakuloa, and the surrounding forests and ranch lands. If you have news or event information you would like to share, please email us at news@bigislandvideonews.com.
by Big Island Video News1:35 am
on at
The Mauna Kea Update on Big Island Video News covers the news and events from and about the piko of Hawaii Island: Mauna Kea and Pohakuloa, and the surrounding forests and ranch lands.