Map shows the parcel in Honolii ranked six on the 2013 PONC report. It is to the immediate south of the current public beach park.
HONOLI’I, Hawaii – A quarter acre of beachfront property by Honolii Beach Park, Hilo’s popular local surf spot, has been ranked the number six priority for acquisition by the Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Commission (PONC) in its 2013 Report to the Mayor.
PONC uses money from the 2% percent land fund to purchase desired properties around the Big Island and to preserve them as public open space.
Discussion on the land turns up in the PONC meeting minutes from March 11, 2013.
Mr. Stephen Welsh, a resident of Honolii, spoke in support of the Honolii parcel that was submitted for consideration. The property is about 10,000 square feet and is located on the South end adjacent to the park with a portion encroaching on to the road. If acquired by the County, this property could be used for open space by tourists and residents and help to alleviate the limited parking space in the area. Further, there is a very steep cliff that is unstable and under the cliff there is a debris field from the house next door which also should be addressed.
He stated that he became aware of this property when he found out that the property was in escrow and the new owners wanted to build a house on it. The present landowner, Ed Olson, is very generous and has offered to participate in the open space process. The property is no longer in escrow and is available for sale. He noted that there are willing partners, The Trust for Public Lands (TPL) and Hawaii Community Foundatio (HCF) to assist with management if necessary however feels that it should be left in open space.PONC meeting minutes – March 11, 2013
The Hawaii County Council Committee on Finance will discuss the 2013 report to the mayor during its meeting in Kona on Tuesday.
by Big Island Video News3:52 pm
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HONOLI’I, Hawaii – A quarter acre of beachfront property by Honolii Beach Park, Hilo’s popular local surf spot, has been ranked the number six priority for acquisition by the Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Commission (PONC) in its 2013 Report to the Mayor. PONC uses money from the 2% percent land fund to […]