Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi, who was meeting with Senator Dan Inouye in Washington D.C. when the 9.0 earthquake in Japan sent tsunami waves crashing into Kona, returns to the island to survey the damage.
Big Island Video News caught up with the mayor after he spent Saturday travelling up and down the ravaged leeward coast, where waves caused moderate to severe damage in the seaside towns and villages.
In this video, the mayor gives a rundown of all the efforts his administration has undertaken to ensure the safety of residents. The county reported that the tsunami resulted in no deaths in the County of Hawaii.
The mayor says his wife was in Japan and returned on to Hawaii on Thursday, the day the earthquake hit.
by Big Island Video News9:46 am
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Video by David Corrigan Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi, who was meeting with Senator Dan Inouye in Washington D.C. when the 9.0 earthquake in Japan sent tsunami waves crashing into Kona, returns to the island to survey the damage. Big Island Video News caught up with the mayor after he spent Saturday travelling up and […]