(ABOVE PHOTO) This USGS photograph shows lava pushing through a fence marking a property boundary above Pāhoa early on Tuesday morning.
- Civil Defense reports that at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday, the lava flow entered onto private proprty. It went 20 yards in about 4 hours. Shortly after 7 a.m. on an adjacent property, the flow burned down a 115 sq. ft. wooden structure being used for agricultural purposes. There were no hazardous materials inside.
- The residential building identified yesterday as being 100 yards away from the advancing flow is still standing.
- For the first time, one of the HELCO poles wrapped in experimental, protective measures caught fire, likely from subsurface heat. As of 11:30 a.m. there were no outages, and the pole was still erect and upright. HELCO said that if the pole should fail, they have backup plans to keep the power on.
- Pahoa Village Road remains closed between Apa’a and Post Office Road. On Pahoa Village Road, utility companies are working on their infrastructure.
- The county is aware of the resident building the berm on his property. County Public Works’ engineering division is going down to check on it today, the county said.
The flow continues to remain active and has advanced approximately 100 yards since this morning and is currently approximately 410 yards from Pāhoa Village Road. The flow front is currently moving in a northeast direction and has entered a private residential property. The flow advancement has been inconsistent however averaging approximately 10-15 yards per hour.
Smoke conditions were moderate with moderate trade winds from the northeast pushing the smoke in a south southwest direction. Presently burning activity is involving a variety of materials to include tires and smoke conditions may increase in some areas. Residents down wind that may be sensitive or have respiratory problems are advised to take necessary precautions and to remain indoors. Additional health advisories may be issued depending upon materials involved with any fires associated with the lava flow.
Based on the current flow location, direction and advancement, residents in the flow path were placed on an evacuation advisory and notified of possible need for evacuation beginning last night. The evacuation advisory for those residents down slope of the flow will continue and residents will be kept informed of the flow status and advancement.
The Pahoa Village Road between Apa’a Street and the Post Office Road will remain closed and limited to area residents only. Motorist should use caution and slow down on Highway 130 near the Post Office Road intersection. Residents of the restricted area should not bring unauthorized persons into the restricted area. In addition, Civil Defense and public safety personnel will be operating in the area round the clock to maintain close observations of flow activity. Additional updates will be broadcasted as conditions change.Hawaii County Civil Defense on Oct. 28 at 3 p.m. HST

USGS photo: The June 27th lava flow burns vegetation as it approaches a property boundary above Pāhoa early on the morning of Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

This annotated USGS photograph shows the notable features around the flow front. The photo was taken at 11:30 am on Monday, and also shows the distance the flow front has traveled between Cemetery Rd./Apaʻa St. and Pāhoa Village Rd.
by Big Island Video News1:52 pm
on at
Civil defense confirms the lava has claimed a farm structure and that a protected HELCO pole has caught fire but is still standing.